Things to know before you visit!
Bring your own towels, bathing suits (bikini), clean & NON-SLIP rubber sandals or flip-flops.
All items that are not single use are avoided to limit cross contamination, and as a result - we will no longer be providing slippers for use. You may bring your own clean & NON-SLIP rubber sandles or flip-flops to wear inside.
In an effort to reduce cross contamination, we also request for you to bring your own toiletries if needed, as commonual toiletries typically found in the locker rooms will be reduced until further notice.
Korean Spa Experience: The Beauty of Bathing Nude
Welcome to Arisoo Spa,
We would like to provide a culturally unique and excellent service to our clients, and thus - the below procedure is very important for you to be aware of.
1. Please store your shoes in the shoe locker located on the ground floor.
2. Once you come to our reception, receive your complimentary towel!
3. Enter into the change room, you can strip nude from here on out - or cover yourself with your towel on the way to the bathing area. You may of course, change into your bathing suit!
4. Enter the bathhouse, and ensure to take a shower first.
5. From here, enjoy our wet & dry sauna, spa, as well as hot & cold baths.
6. After 20-30 minutes, our skin scrub specialist will call you for the treatments you have chosen.
7. Depending on your treatment, you will receive a Korean Body Scrub with extra services, such as a remedial massage, facial treatment, shampoo etc.* Our Korean Body Scrub is recommended to imrpove blood circulation, softening your skin and rejuvenating your epidemeris by scrubbing away the layers of your dead skin. Please let our specialist know of your preferred strength of the scrub & massage!
8. Finish off the Arisoo Bathhouse experience with a shower, and feel your dewy baby skin come to life.
9. Dry your body using the towel, and you may return back to the change room to finish up drying.
10. Hair dryer, body cream & lotions are located in the Vanity Room for your use. Thereafter, you can stay at the rest room for a moment of peace, whilst enjoying complimentary coffee or tea before heading out!